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Servants For Jesus Christs is the sponsor for this website. You can click on the links on the bottom of this page for more information. Here is our ministry vision:

Servants for Jesus Christ offers Bible teaching and equips Christians to be a light for Jesus Christ. The ministry encourages the gospel of Jesus Christ to be taken to each person on the planet with a Bible to study in their own language.  The gospel of Jesus Christ is to be presented in a way for people to freely choose Jesus Christ as their Lord for God wants a personal relationship with us out of truth and love.  The gospel of Jesus Christ should always be presented with love and compassion with respect for authorities and the laws of the land.  Each person should be given a free choice to choose to make Jesus Christ the Lord of their life without forcefulness.  True love for Jesus has to be a choice of one’s heart wanting to be passionately in love with God and to establish an ever growing intimacy with God through prayer, a desire for truth and an excitement to do His will on earth and not your will.

Servants For Jesus Christ greatly appreciates all people who are obeying their calling from the Lord Jesus Christ as we all are part of His body and each part of the body of Christ is special as we work together in unity.

Not all of us are called to be missionaries but all of us are called to pray and ask God what our purpose is on earth and do His will.  Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with Jesus’ love for people so that you will want to help people of all ages to grow spiritually into the purposes and plans God has for them!  We cannot do the Great Commission alone.  We can if we all do our part!   If you are a business person, pray and ask God what He wants you to give to Him to advance His Kingdom and let God’s glory fill the earth.

For more info about Servants For Jesus Christ who does all these posts on this blog site, please click on these underlined links: Glory To God Reports , Ministry VisionVideos of People’s Testimonies and how you can donate online. Our home page is this link: Servants For Jesus Christ